Sketch and snip
Sketch and snip

sketch and snip

I think it's best we continue the test I posted earlier.

sketch and snip

On the same machine the dump was taken from, try searching the registry for GUID AB8E5D11-B0C1-5A21-95AE-F16BF3A37624. Here are two articles that talk about IID: An IID is an "Interface Identifier", and is in the COM area of Windows. I am going backward because that is how the thread is displayed in the debugger, with the lowest frame number being the most recent. (Inline Function) -`- combase!OriginateErrorUsingFormattedResource(void)+0x41 "Failed to find proxy registration for IID. The error starts in frame 4 of thread 7 in the dump: That will help with testing, if available. Also, if you have an environment where you can run your tests on a virtual machine, and have the ability to snapshot a state, such as initial installation, then rolling back to that state after a test should be very quick and easy. We just made some minor changes that probably don't affect this issue, but worth testing.

sketch and snip

Thing you might want to try is redownload the VDOT tool.

Sketch and snip